Monday, June 17, 2013


Oh, welcome Summer! The boys are off, I am off, and life is taking on a new routine. This week is the calm between the school and the camp, so we're a little bit wandery.

The new CSA is awesome. Not just cut herbs, but plantable herbs! Not just what they grow, but what I want! So this is a nice change though I miss my old site, a lot.

Monday: On the road. We will be coming back from DC. Husband is on his own as this is a mom trip.

Tuesday: Wow, I hope we are at the beach. Weather makes that look unlikely though so taco Tuesday to the rescue.

Wednesday: Lego Build! So out, again. This is shaping up to be a great week.

Thursday: Veggie day. We'll see what we get, and I'll make that and then also chicken nuggets for the kids.

Friday: Neighbor kid's birthday party! The video game truck is coming (did you ever hear of such a brilliant idea?) and all families are invited to join for a grilled dinner. Yes please.

I love this week. Not worth posting really, but when I start to panic that there is nothing in the fridge I will calm myself by reading this to remind myself why. Happy week!

1 comment:

Mom24 said...

Very nice! Enjoy. Your week sounds like a lot of fun.