Sunday, January 26, 2014

This Is the Snow that Never Ends

It just goes on and on and comes and snows back down again...

Hey from the tundra! Our Flat Stanley went to visit Alaska and it was warmer there than here. That is not ok. (Unless, of course, you are Flat Stanley.)

Still in soup mode here, and still in cabinet clean out mode here, so while no children will eat it, I am making slow cooker Thai chicken soup this week. Also...

Monday: I never got to the slow cooker pork last week so hooray, that's on tap. With rice and green beans.

Tuesday: Tacos

Wednesday: Spaghetti

Thursday: Maple-Dijon Chicken (also known as man pleasing chicken), rice

Friday: Shrimp and Feta (again, to finish the feta), rice,

As to last week...

Snow days threw us off (hence some of the same stuff this week). We had a great five day weekend, though; if I hadn't been trying to get to my conference it would have been nothing but joy. (The conference went well in the end for the parts I could get to.) Huge snow fort: check. Sledding with jump hill: check. Using up random cocoas: check. It was bliss.

I really just need to give up on the apricot chicken. It is not happening.

Soup: also not happening. But I love it, so it stays in the rotation.

Wishing you a happy and warm week! We are donating lots of things to the Goodwill and the SPCA, thinking about others not as lucky as we are, who are cozied up on sofas with blankets and books and each other.

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